
Create & Manage Guests

Creating and managing guest profiles within the platform offers a streamlined way to handle guest details and personalize their experience.

How Guest Profiles Are Created

  1. Automatic Creation:
    Whenever a booking is received from any connected OTA, a lead guest profile is automatically created. This profile includes all the available details about the guest, such as their name, email, and any additional information provided during the booking.

  2. Manual Creation:
    You can also manually create a guest profile if needed. To do this:

    • Go to CRM > Guests > Add Account.

    • Fill in the relevant guest details, such as name, phone number, email, and any additional information you find necessary.

Managing Guest Information

Once a guest profile is created (either automatically or manually), you can update it at any time to include:

  • Secondary contact information (e.g., an additional phone number or email).

  • Notes for personalized guest service (e.g., "The guest prefers a bottle of champagne at check-in").

  • Any other details to improve the guest's experience or meet specific preferences.

Interacting with Guest Profiles

Regardless of how the guest profile was created, you can always access and edit the lead guest information directly within the booking details. This allows you to make updates or add special notes at any stage of the booking process, ensuring excellent guest service every time.

This comprehensive guest management system helps you maintain strong relationships with your guests while offering a personalized touch to their stays.

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First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number