
Manage Homeowners

Vacation Rentals Analytics & Reports

Managing your homeowners in RentalWise is designed to be as straightforward as possible—just two clicks away!

Steps to Manage Homeowners

Once a homeowner is created, managing them is effortless and involves the following:

  1. 1. Create the Homeowner:
    Start by creating the homeowner account. (Learn more about the creation process HERE)

  2. 2. Assign Properties and Set Up Homeowner Share:
    Assign the homeowner to their respective properties and configure the Homeowner Share for financial management. (Detailed guide HERE)

  3. 3. Optional: Automate Tasks and Messages:
    Streamline operations by automating tasks and messages for homeowners based on their assigned properties. For example, you could automatically send updates about bookings or maintenance schedules. ( Learn more HERE)


A new Team Roles feature is on its way, offering enhanced integration and management for your team. This upcoming update will provide even better control and efficiency in managing your homeowners and other collaborators. Stay tuned!

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